Camping with Greens

I spent a few days camping at Savoy Mountain State Forest this week, and on the way out there, I picked up my CSA share. I found myself with the following haul: two quarts of strawberries, two tomatoes (which could use a couple more days of ripening, imho), a bag of spinach, a bunch of rainbow chard, and a head of green leaf lettuce. The strawberries were too good for anything but eating straight, as many as I could in three days. I saved the spinach and tomatoes in the cooler, and they survived quite well the return home. But I had to use some of the greens, no? How does one cook greens on a campfire? I could have cheated and used my camp stove, but instead I had great success steaming them in foil. Soaking the greens in fresh water in the wash basin, just as I would do at home, removed all the grit and such. I saved the water for the first rinse of the dirty dishes. Break up the chard and the lettuce separately by hand. Mix toge...